Water dispenser to power as a driving force , if leakage occurred fountains ,bad insulation,are extremely dangerous.Fist of all ,when consumers buy products to look for the brand and electrical safety certification the commission of China among the many brands,model dispenser products can be summed up in nothing more than hot ,hot ice,three types of hot ice and sub-semiconductor heat engine and compressor cooling water dispenser refrigeration of two drinking fountains.
Feature selection
Consider buying from the functional use of water dispenser,which is important.If you do not like to use cold water dispenser modulation,and day-to-day is used only for tea and instant coffee,buy a hot water dispenser on the can ,both functional and economic ,if more young people ,together with the south is located in tropical areas,the summer of heavy utilization,and like cold ,and should be the purchase of hot and cold water dispenser.In addition,there are three warm with ice machine ,can be choose.
Spray dispenser surface should be smooth ,uniform color ,deep sound,there should be no cracks ,scratches,defects such as foaming ,the seams connecting symmetry.
Check the electrical performance
water,access to power ,rather than pressing the refrigeration,heating power switch several times,switching contacts should be good,then the corresponding indicator light shows that the normal drinking fountains circuit.Press the refrigeration switch,with his hands near the back air ,and exhaust flu did not hear any noise in the weak noise,fan is operating normally.Electricty after two hours,press the cooling water,cold water outflow due.Such as semiconductor refrigeration,to enable the water temperature 5-15℃,refrigeration compressor to enable the water temperature 4-12℃。